Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome to Orangeness

ORANGENESS has arrived!

"--ly Ballou here, introducing the revival of Pyracantha's humorous rant blog. Is this thing on?" Tap tap tap buzz "It's Google, everything runs perfectly and the instructions are crystal clear! Right, Bob and Ray?" With this I honor the immortal Boston comedy duo of "Bob and Ray" who filled the radio world with giggles for decades, making fun of the very media which supported them. If they had known about Google, they would have made fun of it, too.

I've been wanting to revive my old humor rant blog, "PyRants," for some time and now almost 8 years later, why not. Unlike my venerable "Art By-Products" which will continue to provide worthy visual sketch content, "Orangeness" is about the laughs and the absurdity. Ten things I'll be talking about on "Orangeness" (Number Eight will melt your heart!): 1.fashion, 2.food, 3.writing, 4.pop culture, 5.music, 6.trendiness, 7.weirdness, 8. cheesesteaks, 9. coffee, and 10. random stuff that happens to me. I might talk about politics and religion, but it better be funny, because nothing is funny about religion nowadays. I don't know much about politics, but that doesn't stop anybody from talking about it, so why not me too.

Since I've spent at least fifteen Google-icious minutes setting this Blog up, I fan myself with tiredness, with the vapors in front of this awesome heat-producing Apple iMac Truck. And my first post I plunder from Facebook because this is the kind of stuff I plunder from my own archives. I wrote it just yesterday, except this is today, but I'm still up, so it's still yesterday even if it's well past midnight if you get my drift.

BEING ORANGE: The jacket.

Orange Jackets. I have 4 of them. One is black and orange and is a Baltimore Orioles fan jacket. (Baseball dual citizenship if I follow the O's.) The next is a Lands End quilted jacket which can be worn on September 28. Earlier than this, it's too warm. Later than this, it's too cold. Next is a durable bright orange L.L. Bean Jacket with two and a half tiny pockets. It says, "Don't shoot me. I am not a deer." Last is my Lands End winter jacket which is a marvel of orangeness and can be worn in the winter time while the hook and loop closures on its numerous pockets shred my orange scarf. I never have enough orange stuff and since other people hate it and don't buy it, I always get it at a discount. And that's all the Orangeness for tonight.

New posts to Orangeness about once a week, more or less, until I run out of humor or get tired of it.


  1. I like it! I look forward to more. And about orange? My senior year in high school was spent at a school with a tiger as a mascot, and the colors black and orange. Got called Halloween at football games that year....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Testing another ID.

  4. Hello Alto, I've bookmarked this blog, thanks.
